Sunday, August 11, 2013

Lexi Meets the Wonderful Waltzer Mishpocha in Manhattan

                 Mishpocha- noun. (Yiddish)the entire family network of relatives by blood or marriage.

One would think, by now, if you read the blog before last (yes, the very, very long one), that I would’ve hit either gym I belong to at least once and the very last place I would be going to is Manhattan.  Truth be told, I haven’t gone to either gym; however, I will be returning to Manhattan, today. 

Yes, we are taking my almost 90-year old mother, my almost three-month old granddaughter, along with the walker (Tuby), the stroller and the car seat and other baby paraphernalia into Manhattan again.  It’s just us girls attending my mother’s side of the family- the wonderful Waltzers- for our not so annual Waltzer Ladies Family Reunion, organized by my wonderful cousin, Nancy.

The last time we did this was when I was a blonde, so it had to be sometime in 2009.  With me, I can pinpoint the year by looking at the color of my hair.  So much has changed in our lives since that time- my mother moved in, Kimberly changed her career route and is now working in college administration, Lindsay got married and more surprisingly, got her Masters and license in Special Education, and best of all, is now a mother to the ultimate joy of my life, Lexi Grace.  

My biggest change is that I am now a redheaded grandmother.  We won’t discuss the extra 10 pounds that I gained. 

Lexi has met many friends and family (mishbocha), so far.  Just this weekend alone, she met more of her father’s side of the family- her Great Aunt Debbie and Great Uncle Lenny from North Carolina and some cousins.  And today she will meet the wonderful Waltzer ladies- most of them anyway- including one of the originals, her Great-Great Aunt Dorothy, who is going to be 97 years old this September. 

I have been singing Lexi the songs that my Aunt Dorothy had sung to me when I was a little girl--My Grandfather’s Clock and The Lilac Tree song.  I can’t wait to see my aunt sing these to Lexi herself and I guarantee she will remember all the words, even at 97.  It will make me very happy.  And my cousin, Andrea, and I plan on singing the Broadway show tune, Impossible, (from Cinderella) together to Lexi, as well.  There will be lots of eating and laughing and singing and storytelling, because that’s what the Wonderful Waltzers do when they get together.  We have a very talented, funny and fun (and hungry) family.  It goes way back to all of the original Waltzer boys- they were famous musicians who played on Broadway many decades ago. 

And so, here we go again, schlepping into the city of Manhattan.  But not to take Lexi to that modeling agency, that, incidentally, sent a rejection email to Lindsay saying that Lexi was not ready for the camera yet.  (I want to just wake up that stupid girl who sent the email from a sound sleep and see if she smiles when I take her picture.)  Instead, we are going to Carmine’s, naturally, because it’s right in the middle of Broadway where the Waltzer boys played in the orchestras and also because it’s just about the best Manhattan Italian restaurant there is and has the most delicious Chicken Scarpariello I ever tasted. 

But most importantly, we are going to have fun, singing and laughing and telling funny stories and eating with most of the Wonderful Waltzer ladies and my wonderful Lexi will get her first chance to see what her great grandma’s (Gigi) and grandma’s (Mimi) mishbocha is really all about.    

To be continued…(I have to get ready for the big schlep)….

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